Ridgebury Soils: Very deep, level, somewhat poorly and poorly drained soil formed in compact glacial till derived mainly from granite, gneiss and schist. Ridgebury soils are on upland depressions and drainageways.

Link to Official Series Description.
Click here for Ridgebury Laboratory Data from the NSSL | Ridgebury Pedon Description from Sample Site S-91-MA-023-08 |Ridgebury Pedon Description 2307101 | Water Table Data - Lakeville Well Site

Map Unit (s): 070A, 070B, 071A, 071B.
Map Phases:

  • 070A - Ridgebury fine sandy loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes.
    070B - Ridgebury fine sandy loam, 3 to 8 percent slopes.
    071 - Ridgebury fine sandy loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes, extremely stony
    071B - Ridgebury fine sandy loam, 3 to 8 percent slopes, extremely stony
  • Taxonomic Classification: Coarse - loamy, mixed, nonacid, mesic, Aeric Epiaquepts.
    Drainage Class: Poorly drained.
    Parent Material: Dense till.
    Permeability: Moderate to moderately rapid in the solum, slow to very slow in the dense till.
    Available Water Holding Capacity: Moderate.
    Soil Reaction: Very strongly acid to moderately acid throughout.
    Depth to Bedrock: Greater than 65 inches.
    Seasonal High Watertable: Depth: 0.0 to 1.5 feet below the surface.
    Type: Perched.
    Months: November to May.
    Hydrologic Group: C.
    Hydric Soil: Yes.
    Flooding/Ponding Potential: Frequency and Type: Commonly ponded (A slope only).
    Duration and Months: Moderately long, November to May.
    Potential Inclusions: Norwell and Mattapoisett soils are similar inclusions. Very poorly drained Brockton, Sippican, Whitman, and Swansea soils are on lower elevations. Moderately well drained Scituate and Woodbridge soils are on higher elevations.

    Soil Suitability:

    Agriculture: Poorly suited for most agricultural uses mainly due to wetness.

    Woodland: Poorly suited due to wetness.

    Development: Poorly suited due to seasonal high watertables at or near the surface for prolong periods of time and slowly permeable layers.

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