Soil Water Table Monitoring Index well MARS03 - Brockton Soil, Marshfield MA. USGS Topo Location Download Monitoring Well locations for viewing with Google Earth

LOCATION.--Lat 42o09' 16" N, Lon 070o 44' 37" W NAD 83. Massachusetts State Plane NAD 83,  262,520 Easting, 878,497 Northing.
Plymouth County, Town of Marshfield - 20 meters west of Route 3a., 320 meters south of Spring St, Audubon Conservation Land. Location geo-referenced with a PLGR GPS.
WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Well type - 2.0 inch diameter screened PVC pipe, total well depth = 50 inches below the surface. Installed November 01, 2001.
ELEVATION.-- Surface is 15 Meters (50 feet) above sea level, from topographic map (National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929).
SOIL TYPE.--Brockton Series - very poorly rained soil formed dense basal till. Click for a complete pedon description of the soil log from the MARS02 well. The estimated average seasonal high water table, based on soil morphology for this site is 0 inches below the surface based on soil morphology.
GEOLOGY.-- Lodgement Till.
WELL OBSERVATIONS.--Highest recorded watertable - + 4.0 inches (ponded) above ground on May 15, 2002 following a 2+ inch rain event. Hydrograph Notes: WT_Depth is the measured depth to water below the ground surface. Positive numbers indicate the watertable was above the ground surface (ponded). Ground surface datum for these readings is 0, to determine the actual depth to water below the surface elevation subtract the depth in the table from 50 feet. The 50 inch depth is the total depth of the well.

Contact Jim Turenne for more information | Return to Index Wells

Click here to view a presentation about using a device to measure maximum water table depths (Morgan and Stolt)
USGS Water Resources of Massachusetts and Rhode Island - Ground-Water Data
WRP Technical Note HY-IA-3.1 Installing Monitoring Wells/Piezometers in Wetlands