New England Soil Profiles

Berryland Series

Berryland Soils are very poorly drained soils formed in sandy glacial fluvial deposits. Berryland soils have and iron-humus rich subsoil called a spodic horizon in soil taxonomy. This profile has the following morphology: surface layers of organic and mineral sandy material (dark surface), a white eluvial horizon of un-coated quartz sand grains, a series of spodic horizons (Bhs-Bs-Bhs) cemented in some areas, and a gray Cg horizon.

Photo: Jim Turenne, taken from a wave cut outcrop on Nauset beach, Cape Cod (41.857150 N, -69.950304 E).

Pedon S07MA023003 (click for description and laboratory data)


Berryland Properties:
Taxonomic Classification: Sandy, mixed, mesic, Typic Endoaquods.
Drainage Class: Very poorly drained.
Parent Material: Fluvial deposits.
Permeability: Moderately rapid throughout.
Available Water Holding Capacity: Low.
Soil Reaction: Very strongly or extremely acid in solum, very strongly or strongly acid in the substratum.
Depth to Bedrock: Greater than 65 inches.
Seasonal High Watertable: Depth: + 0.5 to 0.5 feet below the surface.
Type: Apparent, (water table may be perched in areas with a firm layer during periods of heavy precipitation.
Months: Oct. to Jun.
Hydrologic Group: D.
Hydric Soil: Yes.
Flooding/Ponding Potential: Frequency and Type: Map units 007 & 011: Frequently ponded.
Duration and Months: Long, December to April.
Map Unit 007 is artificially flooded throughout the year for cranberry management practices.
Potential Inclusions: Very poorly drained Swansea and Scarboro soils are on similar landforms. Poorly drained Pipestone, Saugatuck, and Wareham soils are on higher elevations. Moderately well drained Deerfield and Sudbury soils are on upland areas.

More info on Berryland soils | Cranberry Bed Description (map unit 23)

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