New England Soil Profiles

Woodbridge Series
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Ruler in meters

Woodbridge soils are moderately well drained soils formed in a sandy loam eolian mantle (solum of the soil), underlain by loamy lodgment till. The profile has a 10 YR 3/2 fine sandy loam Ap horizon (0 to 30 cm), a 10YR 5/6 fine sandy loam Bw horizon (30 to 70 cm), and a 2.5Y 6/3 2Cd horizon down to 160 cm. Note the vertical desiccation crack on the right - a dead root channel is in the crack which is gray (redox depletion, surrounded by a redox concentration). The estimated seasonal high water table for this soil is approximately 50 cm below the surface.

Photo by Jim Turenne. Photo Location: Portsmouth, RI
41 degrees 38 minutes 13 seconds N,  71 degrees 14 minutes 54 seconds W


Taxonomic Classification: Coarse - loamy, mixed, mesic, Aquic Dystrochrepts.
Drainage Class: Moderately well drained.
Parent Material: Dense glacial till.
Permeability: Moderate in the solum, slow or very slow in the dense substratum.
Available Water Holding Capacity: Moderate.
Soil Reaction: Very strongly acid to moderately acid throughout. .
Depth to Bedrock: Greater than 65 inches.
Seasonal High Watertable: Depth: 1.5 to 3 feet.
Type: Perched
Months: November to May.
Hydrologic Group: C.
Hydric Soil: No (may have hydric inclusions).
Flooding/Ponding Potential: Frequency and Type: None.

Potential Inclusions: Scituate, Birchwood, and Newfields soils are similar inclusions. Poorly drained Norwell, Sippican, and Ridgebury soils are along drainageways. Well drained Paxton, Poquonock and Montauk soils are on convex slopes.


Close - up of the desiccation crack in left corner of photo


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