Soil Water Table Monitoring Index Well  - Eames Way, Marshfield, MA. - Birchwood Series USGS Topo Location Download Monitoring Well locations for viewing with Google Earth

LOCATION--42 degrees, 07 minutes, 49 seconds North Latitude. 70 degrees, 43 minutes, 38 seconds West Longitude.
Plymouth County, Town of Marshfield, approximately 2,500 feet south of the intersection of Pleasant Street and Eames Way.
WELL CHARACTERISTICS-- 2 inch slotted PVC well installed to a depth of 102 inches.
ELEVATION-- 193 feet.
SOIL TYPE.- Birchwood soils are mapped at this site but the depth to dense till is below 102 inches. A pedon description of the soil will be available soon.
GEOLOGY.-- Marshfield Hill deposits - complex geology consisting of sandy moraine deposits underlain by glacially thrusted coastal plain silts and clay.
WELL OBSERVATIONS.--Below is the hydrograph of the well, monitoring period was from May 2005 through 2004.

Contact Jim Turenne for more information | Return to Index Wells

Click here to view a presentation about using a device to measure maximum water table depths (Morgan and Stolt)
USGS Water Resources of Massachusetts and Rhode Island - Ground-Water Data
WRP Technical Note HY-IA-3.1 Installing Monitoring Wells/Piezometers in Wetlands