Soil Water Table Index well  -HCF (Dartmouth MA. - Woodbridge Soils

USGS Topo Location Download Monitoring Well locations for viewing with Google Earth

LOCATION.--Lat 41.609778 N, Lon 70.981327 W |  UTM NAD 83 Zone 19 meters: 334904.71 Easting,  4608351.88 Northing.
 Bristol County Massachusetts, Town of Dartmouth.
WELL CHARACTERISTICS.-- 2 inch slotted PVC pipe installed to a depth of 9 feet below the surface. Well was monitored during the following periods: 9/94 to 1/95, 3/95 to 4/95, 11/95 to 6/96, 11/97 to 7/98, 2/99 to 4/99. A total of 77 observations were made. A total of four wells were monitored at this site (a deep and a shallow well at 2 locations).
ELEVATION.-- 120 feet (USGS Topo - National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929)
SOIL TYPE.- Woodbridge Soils (moderately well drained). The estimated average seasonal high water table, based on soil morphology for this site is -19 inches below the surface based on soil morphology. Below is a description of the soil from a small hand-dug test pit:

GEOLOGY--Sandy loam eolian solum underlain by lodgement (dense) till. Landform is a south-west sloping side-slope of a drumlin.
WELL OBSERVATIONS-- Below are the hydrographs of the wells.

Well HCF2D

Contact Jim Turenne for more information | Return to Index Wells

Click here to view a presentation about using a device to measure maximum water table depths (Morgan and Stolt)
USGS Water Resources of Massachusetts and Rhode Island - Ground-Water Data
WRP Technical Note HY-IA-3.1 Installing Monitoring Wells/Piezometers in Wetlands